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Social Venture Advisory Network

About the Advisory Network:

The Tamer Social Venture Advisory Network is critical to ensuring success for aspiring social entrepreneurs. Social and environmental ventures may be referred to Advisory Network members to assist in refining their business plan. Pro-bono assistance provided to venture teams may include: reviewing and providing feedback on pitches and decks, advising on business plan development, providing industry and/or technical expertise, and providing introductions to contacts when appropriate. While the time commitment will depend on the teams, we anticipate a time commitment of 5-10 hours per year.

Basic Information
Please copy the URL to your LinkedIn profile here.
Experience and Interests
For example, reviewing and providing feedback on pitches and decks, advising on business plan development, providing industry and/or technical expertise, etc.
Please include specific topic areas such as women-led, environmental, education, health care, etc.
Columbia Affiliation (if applicable)
(Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral)