Do you believe that business can be a force for positive social and environmental change?
That business skills have a crucial role to play in making those changes are reality?
That business professionals in any field can incorporate those goals into what they do every day?

Then we invite you to share your insights with like-minded colleagues and students at

1st annual Social Enterprise Conference
Columbia Business School
October 11, 2002

About the Conference...
The Conference will be an opportunity to converse with professionals from a wide variety of social enterprise domains, meet the next generation of energetic social entrepreneurs, and network with alumni. The day will feature numerous panels in which individuals in fields from finance to corporate social responsibility will talk about how they use their specific business skills to produce public as well as private dividends. Stephanie Bell-Rose, President of the Goldman Sachs Foundation, will provide opening remarks. The conference will also feature the awarding of the annual Botwinick Prize for Business Ethics, lunch, and an evening cocktail reception.

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